Hydration, doctors say, is the key to good health. This is because water constitutes nearly 80% of the human body. It supports all bodily functions, improves memory and health and even promotes hair growth. Therefore, drinking water for hair growth is both desirable and imperative.

The quality of water that we use to wash our hair is as important as the quality of water that we drink. However, in this blog we will be concentrating on drinking water.

So next time, before complaining about hair growth or hair problems, remember to chug down adequate water to see the difference. This blog looks at the five awesome benefits of drinking water for hair that must not be ignored by those who are looking to improve their hair health and banish existing hair issues.

What Does Drinking Water Do for Your Hair?

Just like other areas of the human body, water is the key to good health. Just like human skin, water hydrates and replenishes the human hair as well. The human body tends to lose about 1-2 liters of liquid every day.

This may go up when you are indulging in physical activities. If you don’t properly hydrate yourself throughout the day, you will start complaining about a host of hair issues. Drinking enough water, on the other hand, can energize your hair from root to tip, thereby, promoting hair growth and helping you to overcome several hair issues.

Here are the Benefits of Drinking Water for Hair

Hair growth

Drinking water for natural hair growth is crucial. Just like our body, which has a high water content, our hair shaft is also made up of at least 25% water. As such, water stimulates hair growth.

Hair health

Drinking water helps hair health by preventing many hair problems. Drinking enough water keeps your hair hydrated. As such, one can truly avoid hair loss, hair fall, dry hair, brittle hair and itchiness.

Your scalp remains hydrated and healthy by having the correct amount of water in the diet. Inadequate water consumption not only dries up your scalp, it also halts hair growth, making your hair dry and straw-like.

Stronger hair

Just like our muscles, the hair also needs water to be strong and healthy. You might have noticed people with limp hair strands. There is a high chance that those people are not drinking enough water.

Hydration makes for stronger, healthier hair. Strong hair is less likely to break than hair that is not properly hydrated.

Hair damage

Hair absorbs water and appears to be fuller. Dry hair, on the other hand, shrinks back down. This makes the hair prone to hair damage. To help hair retain moisture and nutrients, one should regularly use oil along with water to wash one’s hair.

As we have seen, drinking water for natural hair growth is important if you want strong, healthy-looking hair follicles that are bouncy and shiny. Start drinking enough water today to promote hair health.

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